Lifestyle is the behavior shown in the activities, interests and opinions specifically related to self-image to reflect their social status. Lifestyle is a frame of reference that is used someone in behavior and its consequences will form certain patterns of behavior. Especially how he wants to be perceived by others, so the lifestyle is very concerned with how he formed his image in the eyes of others, associated with social status bears. To reflect this image, it takes a certain status symbols, which was instrumental in influencing consumption behavior.

lifestyle is the way of life of the individual who is identified by how people spend their time (activities), what they think is important in life (interests) and what they think about the world around them, There is also a saying that the lifestyle is a blend of self-expression needs and expectations of the group against a person in the act based on the prevailing norms. Therefore many known kinds of lifestyles that thrive in today's society as hedonistic lifestyle, lifestyle metropolis, global lifestyle and so forth.

Based on the above it can be concluded that a sedentary lifestyle is the lifestyle of a person in the world that are expressed in activities, interests, opinion and lifestyle dimensions of self orientation includes three categories: principles, status, action.

Factors Influencing Lifestyle
lifestyle can be seen from the behavior performed by individuals such as activities to obtain or use the goods and services, including the decision-making process in the determination of such activities, factors that affect a person's lifestyle there are 2 factors derived from factors within the individual (internal) and factors from outside (external).
Internal factors are the attitudes, experiences, and observations, personality, self-concept, motives, and perceptions.
Attitude means a state of mind and state of thought that is prepared to respond to an object which is organized through experience and direct influence on behavior. Mood is greatly influenced by the traditions, customs, culture and social environment.
Experience and observation, Experience can influence the behavior of social observation, experience can be gained from his actions in the past and can be learned, through studying people will be able to gain experience. The results of the social experience will be able to form a view of an object.
Personality, Personality is the configuration of individual characteristics and ways of behaving that determine differences in the behavior of each individual.
The concept of self, Other factors that determine an individual's personality is the concept of self. The concept itself has become very widely known approach to describe the relationship between self-concept of consumers with the brand image. How individuals view themselves will affect the interest of an object. Self-concept as the core of the personality patterns will determine the behavior of individuals in the face of life issues, because the concept itself is a frame of reference which initiated behavior.
Motif, Individual behavior patterns emerge due to the need to feel safe and the need for prestige are some examples of motives. If the motives of the need for the prestige it will establish a lifestyle that tends to lead to a hedonistic lifestyle.
Perception, Perception is the process by which a person select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.

Based on the above it can be concluded that the factors that influence young people to do the clubbing is internal and external factors. Internal factors are derived from individuals associated with the interests, motivations, and attitudes (for funcy life and happy). The external factors comes from the family and social environment (related to individual association).

Leave a Reply.


    l just simple person, l like to do something new, l love so much with people that care with each other.


    September 2012
    August 2012



Lifestyle is the behavior shown in the activities, interests and opinions specifically related to self-image to reflect their social status. Lifestyle is a frame of reference that is used someone in behavior and its consequences will form certain patterns of behavior. Especially how he wants to be perceived by others, so the lifestyle is very concerned with how he formed his image in the eyes of others, associated with social status bears. To reflect this image, it takes a certain status symbols, which was instrumental in influencing consumption behavior.

lifestyle is the way of life of the individual who is identified by how people spend their time (activities), what they think is important in life (interests) and what they think about the world around them, There is also a saying that the lifestyle is a blend of self-expression needs and expectations of the group against a person in the act based on the prevailing norms. Therefore many known kinds of lifestyles that thrive in today's society as hedonistic lifestyle, lifestyle metropolis, global lifestyle and so forth.

Based on the above it can be concluded that a sedentary lifestyle is the lifestyle of a person in the world that are expressed in activities, interests, opinion and lifestyle dimensions of self orientation includes three categories: principles, status, action.

Factors Influencing Lifestyle
lifestyle can be seen from the behavior performed by individuals such as activities to obtain or use the goods and services, including the decision-making process in the determination of such activities, factors that affect a person's lifestyle there are 2 factors derived from factors within the individual (internal) and factors from outside (external).
Internal factors are the attitudes, experiences, and observations, personality, self-concept, motives, and perceptions.
Attitude means a state of mind and state of thought that is prepared to respond to an object which is organized through experience and direct influence on behavior. Mood is greatly influenced by the traditions, customs, culture and social environment.
Experience and observation, Experience can influence the behavior of social observation, experience can be gained from his actions in the past and can be learned, through studying people will be able to gain experience. The results of the social experience will be able to form a view of an object.
Personality, Personality is the configuration of individual characteristics and ways of behaving that determine differences in the behavior of each individual.
The concept of self, Other factors that determine an individual's personality is the concept of self. The concept itself has become very widely known approach to describe the relationship between self-concept of consumers with the brand image. How individuals view themselves will affect the interest of an object. Self-concept as the core of the personality patterns will determine the behavior of individuals in the face of life issues, because the concept itself is a frame of reference which initiated behavior.
Motif, Individual behavior patterns emerge due to the need to feel safe and the need for prestige are some examples of motives. If the motives of the need for the prestige it will establish a lifestyle that tends to lead to a hedonistic lifestyle.
Perception, Perception is the process by which a person select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.

Based on the above it can be concluded that the factors that influence young people to do the clubbing is internal and external factors. Internal factors are derived from individuals associated with the interests, motivations, and attitudes (for funcy life and happy). The external factors comes from the family and social environment (related to individual association).

Leave a Reply.


    l just simple person, l like to do something new, l love so much with people that care with each other.


    September 2012
    August 2012

